Struggling WritersHere's a story from Jacquelyn Criger, Assistive Technology Specialist in Indian Prairie School District, Naperville, IL, about how she uses MakeBeliefsComix to help struggling writers:

"I am an assistive technology specialist in a district of about 30,000 students. I collaborate with teachers to help find supports for learners with special needs. Year after year, the majority of my referrals have to do with students who are struggling writers. I am sharing your website during collabs, trainings, and it's a link on a Wiki my colleague and I keep up. Using comics is a great way to help a resistant writer. There isn't a blank page. The finished product can be short, and still have a beginning, middle and an end. Your site, because you have included emotions for the characters, also allows kiddos to retell something that is bothering them. I have yet to show it to someone who isn't excited about using it with his/her kiddos! Thank you so much!!"

SUBMIT YOUR OWN STORY! ( We want to hear how using this site helps people with different abilities. Please include your name, affiliation, city and country.

There is another Teacher Resources page on this site which offers 26 additional ideas on how to use MakeBeliefsComix in the classroom. Please give it a try, too.