Increasingly, teachers, educational therapists and parents who work with special needs students are finding MakeBeliefsComix.com a useful resource in helping their youngsters express themselves and communicate. In this section (see subject tabs above) are tips and ideas sent to us by those who use the site with students who have a wide array of disabilities.
You will find that youngsters respond well to the site’s many characters, each of whom shows four different emotions. They will enjoy the empowering experience of using the computer to build a comic strip right in front of their eyes and take pride in having successfully created short comic stories. Making comics is also an activity that you will have fun doing with your students. Have them keep a portfolio of all the comics they create during the course of the school year. It will reflect the progress they make in learning. By encouraging students to create their own comic strips or books, teachers also help students find a “safe haven” in the world of their imaginations.
After you use this site with your students please give us feedback (please include your name, affiliation and city when you submit them) which we can add to the comments in each section contained in the navigation tabs at the top of the page. We would like this to be a sharing section where educators and parents can exchange ideas about how to best use MakeBeliefsComix to help youngsters. Send your thoughts by clicking on the Send Feedback button below in the navigation bar or write directly to Bill Zimmerman, the site’s creator, at bill@makebeliefscomix.com. Thank you and enjoy!
There is another Teacher Resources page on this site which offers 26 additional ideas on how to use MakeBeliefsComix in the classroom. Please give it a try, too.