Scroll down to view all of our interactive e-books and click on the covers to open the PDF ad read them. You can fill in the answers to the questions on the pages by typing on your device screen and saving the PDF file to your computer or phone. You may also share completed or blank pages from the downloaded PDF book by attaching them to any email you send and also uploading to your favorite social networks.


Dear Reader,
On this page you will find free e-books I have written as part of my mission to help people of all ages discover their writers’ voices and express the important things in their lives . You can do so by creating comic strips at the site and by responding to the writing prompts in the different books offered here. These and my other books are used in literacy and English Language Learning programs around the world and to encourage creative thinking and expression. I hope you have much fun using the books!

Encourage youngsters to write in the books as their digital journals; over the course of a school term, the students’ writings will prove amazing.  They will be proud of what they will have accomplished with their writing and see how much they have to say.

Educators, therapists and parents will find our free interactive e-books very useful resources for teaching Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) skills to help youngsters become better, more caring and sensitive human beings. You also can find more SEL tools on the Printables page where the appropriate categories are marked (SEL).  SEL aims to develop competencies in five areas: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills.

Special note to educators: The free e-books are offered here as part of our many features to assist you in your efforts to help young people express their deepest ideas and thoughts.  You have our permission to use the books and you will NOT be violating copyright in using them or their pages in your work with students.   If you decide to print some of the pages, please credit the title of the book and state that it is published by  You also have permission to make copies for use at school, at home, and in the office, but not for sale. For commercial use,bcontact: billz@makebeliefscomix.comThank you. 

Bill Zimmerman
Creator, and


Writing to Remember Moments of Awe in Your Life

A way to recall the joy and light

Dear young reader,

In this book I talk about many of the special moments when I was a youngster trying to make sense of our often difficult, complicated world. I wanted to look back and trace my journey in life and to better understand my life and the experiences which made me who I am today. Many of these experiences occurred when I was your age.

I also wanted to show young people who come to that no matter what hardships you may experience as a child – parents who fight with each other, financial problems, school and health problems – if you look really closely you may also find some joy or light in your life. You can turn bad things around by believing in yourself and making the decision that you will stand tall and comport yourself with strength and dignity and hope, three characteristics you must insist on if you are to ultimately have a good life.

No matter how dark things may be sometimes there always are bright, shining moments, too, if you are alert and recognize them. These can be as simple as experiencing a simple act of kindness by someone, such as a teacher or coach, or receiving a word of encouragement when you feel low and alone. Maybe such a bright moment is seeing the tip of a bulb bursting through the earth on a cold, late winter day. Maybe it’s a prayer or hopeful thought. Maybe it’s just having a good friend with whom you feel comfortable. Perhaps it’s feeding someone who is hungry and seeing that person enjoy the food you prepared for him.

Try to write about these special moments of awe in this journaling book. By doing so, you make this your own book of awe.

This e-book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each left-hand page. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries. Teachers, pages from this book can be used in the classroom.

This book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each left-hand page. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.  Teachers, pages from this book can be used in the classroom.

CLICK on the cover to download and interact with "WRITING TO REMEMBER MOMENTS OF AWE"


Dear reader,

Don’t we just love our pets! They play with us, they make us laugh, and best of all, they give us love and affection when we need it. They help to make our lives less lonely and more useful.

Most pet owners often talk to their beloved pets (I know I did with my two dogs.) We tell them our secrets, our deepest fears, and hopes, and we whisper loving words to them.  But many of us also wonder what is really going on in the heads of our animal friends.

You can answer this question by writing on the pages in this free interactive e-book. They encourage you to jot down thoughts for pets, to write the things that you might want to hear them say, and the conversations you’d like to have with each other. To help you, there are prompts at the top of each page that offer different ideas of what to write about and what you might want to hear your own pet tell you.  These might be serious things or funny ones, or even some secrets which surprise you.


Bill Zimmerman

This book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each left-hand page. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.  Teachers, pages from this book can be used in the classroom.

CLICK on the cover to download and interact with "PET WORDS"

NOW, You can Get Your Own Paperback Version of 'Pet Words'-- A Great FUN Gift on Amazon!
Click here!


Developing an idea for what to write about is often a hard first step for student writers. Fortunately, there are resources like the Make Beliefs Comix journaling ebooks filled with ideas for students to write about. Many of those ebooks are excellent for social-emotional learning activities as well as creative writing activities.

- Richard Byrne

All of the ebooks are available as fillable PDFs that your students can download and share with you when they're done writing. Watch the short video to learn how to use the free ebooks from MakeBeliefsComix.



Dear reader,
I wrote this journaling book while undergoing treatment for cancer; it conveys my love of life and my desire to survive my illness. I took much comfort in writing it as I hope you will in reading it.

In the poem, I share with you what has been most important in my life and express my wish to cling to life, rather than let go. In its own way, the poem is a prayer that I desperately needed to say. Perhaps there are thoughts in it

At the end of this poem, you also will find a special section titled ‘’Your Deepest Thoughts – Writing Prompts for Self-discovery.’’ It features pages of writing prompts to encourage you to think about your own precious life and what is truly important to you. Space is there for you to write.

I do not know what the future will hold for me, but I still cling to life with full passion and hope this little book will give you comfort.

Yours sincerely,
Bill Zimmerman

This book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each left-hand page. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK on the cover to download and interact with "TREE OF LIFE"




This interactive journaling book of writing prompts encourages you and your elders to express the important things in your hearts and to review what you have learned on your life’s journey.

It encourages you to pause for a moment to take stock and provides you with a place to record your written reflections that come from deep within you. Writing prompts appear throughout to spark your thoughts; think of them as ‘’friends’’ who seek to elicit your deepest feelings and concerns.  What you write will reveal your acquired wisdom and deepest thinking – even the tears and frustrations.  All this is part of the rich tapestry which makes you, you.

The book will provide comfort and inspire hope for all readers, including those who are aging or dealing with health issues, and is also for those of us who are sometimes bewildered by life’s events and seek clarity through writing.

Taking time to think about our lives can be healing and comforting.  Perhaps this book filled with your written thoughts will become a legacy gift you want to pass on to someone you love.  Your words, reflecting your life experiences, will have value for future generations.

This book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each left-hand page. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK on the cover to download and interact with "WRITING TO FIND COMFORT"



Come, enter this book to explore the wonderful mysteries of your life.

The illustrated writing prompts from the heart like the ones in this journaling book will provide readers with hope and comfort as they escape into the rich world of their imaginations. The writing prompts offered are affirming and help us think more deeply about what is important in life. For example, how would you answer this prompt: Make believe you could write a message to heal the pains of the world.  What would you say?  Or this one: Make believe you were asked what is really important in life. What would you list?

Author Bill Zimmerman (the creator of first started creating ‘’make beliefs’’ journals many years ago as a way ‘’to imagine a better world and ease my heart. When you imagine you begin to view your world differently, you see new possibilities and make new choices. Each of us is capable of being our fullest selves if we can catch our breath for a while, lose some of our fears, and try to imagine what things would be like if such and such would happen.’’

This journaling book tries to help readers explore new possibilities and perhaps think about things that they may not have considered before.  It will encourage you to deep deeply into yourself and make discoveries.

CLICK on the cover to download and interact with "MAKEBELIEFS FROM THE HEART"

PLEASE NOTE: This book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. After you download the book, you will be able to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each left-hand page. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.



This interactive journaling book of writing prompts encourages you and your family to express the best, most loving parts of yourselves. It will help you write about the blessings of your lives, the good words and hopes you have for others, and the things you are grateful for. You can fill in the pages on your own, in private, or do so as a family activity. Doing so is a way of acknowledging the love you have for one another.

This journaling book reflects my deep belief that we are here to help and bless one another, to be kind to others and do no harm. Blessings are something we can lovingly and freely offer one another. The good thoughts are offered to make your life happier.

We hope that you will come to cherish this book which will hold your most beautiful written thoughts and regard it as important as the family bible or book of family photographs you love. Turn to it from time to time when you need hope and comfort. All this sweet, little book asks of you and your family is to share through writing all the love and kindness and hope that is within each of you. Isn’t that a worthwhile endeavor?

This journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each left-hand page. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.




This is a journaling book to help you overcome your fears and find courage!

Someone once told me that in life you have to fight a lion each day.  I understand this to mean that the lion stands for all the hard things that we face daily, such as our too many fears and also dealing with personal problems, with loss, with hurt, with heartbreak and illness.

Deep down, I know that I have been a fraidy cat much of my life, and in this journaling book I try to deal with some of my fears and make peace with them. I hope this book helps you do so, too. From my imagination I created Deering-do Dog to provide some wise advice and comfort for me.  He helps the fraidy cats in the book deal with their fears and he explains what courage really is.  The book teaches us that each of us is stronger and braver than we think we are. Sometimes, just doing our best in a difficult situation and not allowing our fears to overwhelm us can be a very courageous way to live.

This journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each page in the Pet Talks section that begins on page 42. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ Fraidy Cats Book of Courage



This is a do-it-yourself comic journaling book just for boys.

What’s more fun than reading comics? Making your own. YOUR LIFE IN COMICS lets you do just that. Most other books give you all the words and illustrations so you don’t have a say about what happens. Well, this book isn’t like that. Instead, it’s an interactive comic book where you can write and draw stories from your own life. There are also cartoons where you get to decide what happens to other characters.

Fill in the talk and thought balloons to show what the people say and think – their fate is in your hands!

What kinds of stuff will you write about and draw in this book? It’s up to you. Some of the pages are funny and some are serious. Many are about family, friends, or other people you know. All the pages needs your imagination to be complete!

This journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each of the book’s pages. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ Your Life in Comics

Write What You Know!

An interactive journaling book where you and I share all the important things we know in life

There comes a time in life when you want to reflect on and recount what you have learned from your life’s experiences.  This interactive book, with its many writing prompts, helps you do that – whether you’re a young or an older person.  By writing in it you are performing what might be considered a sacred act and this book becomes your personal bible about you and your life. You will be both amazed and proud of all that you have learned in life.

This journaling book of your written thoughts and personal truths will give you something substantial to hold onto when life buffets you with its unexpected shocks, such as illness or loss.  It will give you a core of strength that you can return to, to nourish you from time to time.  And, if you are a teacher, this book will provide you and your students with countless ideas for writing and self-expression.

This journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each of the book’s pages. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.


Plant Your Dream Seeds!

Journaling to Grow Hope in Your Life

Here’s a chance to plant your own dream seeds with help from this journaling book. On its pages you will find writing prompts to help you think about the important things that you want to see happen in your life.  By filling in the pages you will be able to express the many hopes and expectations you have for yourself, for those whom you love, and for our world.  Just remember: each time you write a response to a prompt that asks you what kind of dream seed of hope you want to plant, you are actually taking the very first step to making your deepest dreams comes true.  First come the words, then follows the hard work to realize your hopes.

In this journaling book international storyteller Laura Simms also shares stories she has culled from different peoples throughout the world about the power of seeds. All her tales are mysterious and beautiful, and convey the sacredness of seeds, the kernels of life.  Her stories will lift your spirit and inspire you.

This journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal diary. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on the book’s pages. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ Plant Your Dream Seeds!

Introducing a New e-Book from Bill Zimmerman!



"Grandma, tell me a story about where you grew up."

"Dad, how’d you meet mom? What was she like then?"

"Mom, what was I like when I was little?"

Every family has its own history, its own well of stories and experiences that enriches each of its members. In this book, Bill Zimmerman (the creator of} shows you how to record your family’s history. With a mobile phone or tape recorder, you can create a living record of each member of your family – grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts and cousins – that will preserve their wit, wisdom and traditions for you and one day for your own children.

The book will teach you how to interview relatives and give you all the questions you need to learn their stories. Taping people’s life stories is a fun activity for those times when families get together for reunions, holidays and family vacations; it draws older and younger generations closer as they share stories and memories.

And for educators, the book features a helpful teachers’ guide for using oral histories in the classroom.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ How to Create Instant Oral Biographies

Pep Talks for When You Need Them

Who among us doesn’t need to hear warm, encouraging words from time to time – even if we have to say them to ourselves? I know I do. I first began writing and giving myself pep talks during the many years I managed daily newspapers. Often, in the quiet of early mornings before work, I would compose the thoughts found in this PEP TALKS FOR WHEN YOU NEED THEM book. They were a way to talk to myself, to find comfort and courage, to feel less alone as I began my day. Some of these pep talks were written to help me deal with the daily pressures of work; others were written as I struggled with personal problems that overwhelmed me at times. I badly needed such words to help bolster my spirit and maintain a sense of dignity and self-respect when I felt weak.

My hope is that the good words in this PEP TALKS FOR WHEN YOU NEED THEM book will be meaningful for you, too. In this book space is provided for you to record your own words of inspiration and support.

This PEP TALKS FOR WHEN YOU NEED THEM book is formatted as an interactive digital journal diary. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on the book’s pages. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ Pep Talks For When You Need Them.

A Book of Questions:

A Playful Journal to Keep Thoughts & Feelings

I'd like to share with you a few questions from my journaling book, A Book of Questions: A Playful Journal to Keep Thoughts & Feelings.

It encourages you to "talk" with yourself by writing about what you think and feel. I hope the questions will get you started in keeping your own journal or diary. You can type your responses to the writing prompt questions directly on your computer screen and keep the journal in your computer or print it out.

Each page in this journaling book poses a provocative, interesting question to help people discover their writers' voices and express their inner thoughts. There is also a secret message on the book's pages written in sign language with a code to help you decipher.

This journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal diary. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each of the book’s pages. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ A Book of Questions.

Something To Write About:

Journaling Prompts for English Language Learners and Literacy Students

Author Bill Zimmerman created this book of writing prompts over the years teaching English language learners and literacy students. Its intent is to help students discover their writers' voices and express the rich thoughts within them as they master the English language. Students are encouraged to write about their family, their friends, their old life and their new life, feelings, dreams and goals.
These journaling prompts encourage students of all ages to write about the things in their lives that are meaningful to them—their childhood memories and family stories, the people they love and admire, their hopes for the future, their deepest beliefs. Zimmerman says, "I have always believed that everyone has a story to tell—if only someone would ask, if only someone would listen." This book gives teachers a way to draw out students' stories and help them communicate their thoughts through writing.

Encouraging immigrant students to write is so important because it helps them better weather the enormous stress they experience as they learn their hard-won English language and adjust to life in a new land far away from their original homes.

This journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal diary. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each of the book’s pages. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ Something to Write About.

MakeBeliefsComix FILL-ins:

You Supply the words to Complete this Journaling Book!

You supply the words to complete this book! This do-it-yourself comic e-book provides a place where you can give MakeBeliefsComix characters your own words and thoughts. In this comic book, unlike any others you’ve read, you’ll get to decide what happens and have the final say.  All you need to do is just follow the prompts and fill in the talk and thought balloons to determine what characters say and think.

Many of the fill-in pages are funny, and some are also serious.  Many are about family and friends or other people you know.  Others are about your dreams, the things that give you pleasure and even the things that puzzle or worry you.  You see, this is a real-life comic book.  This book provides a safe space for you to express many of the feelings and thoughts that are inside you waiting to be revealed and which make you special.  You can write silly things, you can write serious thoughts; just write what is in your heart.  And as you fill in the pages, you will also learn a lot about yourself, and what makes you YOU.

One thing that the pages share in this book is that they are all incomplete.  They need your good thoughts, your personal words to be finished.  All you need to enjoy this book is your wonderful imagination.

This Journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal diary. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each of the book’s pages. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries. 


Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me As a Kid

I wrote this book of encouraging words to help young people as they make their way in the world. Every girl and boy needs to hear such words. I know I did. You see, I lost my father when I was very young and missed hearing the words that a child needs to hear from his or her dad. There are questions on each page to encourage journaling.

Growing up, I tried hard to imagine the things he would have said to guide me if he were around. A few years ago, right before Father’s Day, I longed for my dad very much, and to seek comfort I began writing a letter from him to me, saying some of the things which I so wanted to hear—that he was proud of the person I had grown up to become and that he loved me very much.

Writing the letter helped me that day and I continued to write more letters in the voice of a father talking to a child. In time, these letters grew into this book to inspire children.

If you’re a young person reading this journaling book, think of each page as a personal letter of caring words from me to you, like the ones an older friend or relative might say to you. I hope young readers will turn to the book whenever you need a good word or when you are feeling lonely or unsure. If you are a parent or teacher, you may find some of the thoughts offered echo what you may have said to a child in your life, or perhaps they will give you new ideas for future personal messages. You can also read and discuss the book’s thoughts with a young person.

There is even space there for you to write your own thoughts directly onto the computer screen and into this book, which is in an interactive PDF format.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ Words I Wish Someone Had Said to Me As a Kid.

MakeBeliefs to Spark Your Writing

When you read this journaling book, let your mind roam to new places and ideas and express all the wonderful things that are within you. All you have to do is fill in your responses to the magical questions asked by the characters from

For example, make believe someone discovered a note that you placed isparkn a bottle that washed up on the beach. What would it say?

Or, imagine that today you are going to do one heroic deed. What will that be?

To read and write in the book, just click on the cover. By doing so, you will download a PDF that will reveal a book of picture and word prompts to spur your imagination and stimulate your creating writing and thinking.

This journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each of the book’s pages. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ MakeBeliefs to Spark Your Writing.

Hummingbird Joy:

A Journaling Book of All the Things That Make You Happy

Click on the cover to download a PDF that will reveal a new memory book for you to write about all the good things in your life that are worth remembering. With your written words, Hummingbird Joy will become your own treasure chest of personal wonders. Writing prompts will elicit memories of many of the things that have given you joy. Others help you recall the different things in your life for which you are grateful. Writing helps affirm our joy and gratitude.

This journaling book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each of the book’s pages. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ Hummingbird Joy: A Book of All the Things That Make You Happy.

Laptop Letters:

Sending Wise & Loving Messages to Young People in Your Life

Every parent or adult should consider passing down to a beloved child a written legacy, or letters, focusing on all the important things which they have learned in their lives. Such legacy letters strengthen that child’s ability to survive in life and deal with all the good and bad things to be experienced in years to come. These legacy letters might include family values, lessons learned, memories, and hopes or dreams for that child. Such legacy notes also convey the wisdom that a parent or relative has acquired and which would be helpful for a child to know.

To help you compose your own legacy letters, just click on the cover of Laptop Letters. The journaling book offers many ideas and subjects about the types of things which you might want to include in writing legacy letters or notes to children. These include finding happiness, making the world better, deciding what is really important in life. The book also features sample letters and notes to inspire writers.

CLICK ON COVER TO READ Laptop Letters: Sending Wise & Loving Messages to Young People in Your Life.

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