To share and display your creations in our Comix Gallery, send them to, along with a note giving us permission.
Also, build your own Comic Art Portfolio by saving your comic strips online with us (click on SIGN IN TO SAVE ONLINE button on Create Comix! page), or by printing or emailing your comix to yourself to include in your own personal portfolio. You'll take pride in what you will have accomplished at the end of the school term!

Most pet owners often talk to their beloved pets. We tell them our secrets, our deepest fears and hopes, and we whisper loving words to them.  But many of us also wonder what is really going on in the heads of our animal friends.  What can they be thinking or feeling?   What makes them happy? Or sad?  What do they really think of us?  What might they say to us if they could speak? Now’s the time to find out.

  1. To help you converse with your pet, click on one of the comic strip starter panels below which poses a question that appeals to you and which you might want to hear your own pet discuss with you.
  2. Your chosen starter panel will then appear as the first panel on the Create Comix! page. Name your comic and fill in the author’s name.
  3. Next, type your response to the question directly into the illustrated second panel on your screen. By writing words for them, you give your animal characters a voice.
  4. You can then email what you created to a friend or relative or build on the comic. You can add blank panels where you can extend your ‘Pet Words’ comic strip and fill them with some of the many characters we offer. Let the other characters also respond to the question asked or have them pose their own questions and answers.

We hope you will enjoy this new “Pet Words” Comic Starters feature. You can contact us at with your own ideas for future prompts. We welcome your feedback. We also invite you to submit your completed Pet Words Comic Starters to us which, with your permission, we might publish on a separate page.  This way you can share your pet conversations with others.  Send to

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter

Click on the panel below to view this PetWords Starter