A Rubric for Making Comic Strip Stories

A Rubric for Making Comic Strip Stories

Many of my students enjoy reading graphic novels.  This gives students a chance to make their own.  Plus, with the artwork pre-made, students do not have to be gifted with the ability to draw.  Students can recreate their favorite scene from a chapter book, historical event, picture book, or even movie using this site.  The possibilities are endless.

How I use the rubric:

 The first day I introduce the site and how to make a simple comic with backgrounds, characters, talk/thought balloons, objects, etc.  Then they have the rest of the class period to just explore.  The following class period I pass out the rubric and explain how they will be graded.  The remainder of the class is to start their comic and save it. By the end of the third class period, students should be finished with their comics.  In the past, I would have them print them out to be graded.  This year, I think I will have them either share with me via Google Classroom or share with the class and grade as they present.

--Matt Alexander, Librarian Ward L. Myers Elementary, Muncy, PA


Creating Comics on Living with the Pandemic

As we started our 5th week of virtual learning during the coronavirus pandemic, my students were really missing each other, They would come on our video chat and want to tell their classmates about what they did over the weekend, how they were spending their time after they were done their school work, and what they were doing with their family. Each week I look for a new and fun activity that can bring the students together and share with their classmate's activities they are doing.

Last week, a student of mine asked me if we could share what we have been doing through a comic. I went online and I found It was easy to use; it has lots of stickers to add to the comics and speech bubbles that the students could create their own dialogue between characters. It was the perfect site. I shared the site with my students and asked each of them to create a comic strip of how they have been spending their days at home. I then took their individual comics and put them into a slide show to create a class comic book!

-- Alexis Loomis, first-year teacher, Saints Peter and Paul School, West Chester, Pa.

Here is the video of the Comic Book

CLICK HERE to  View the Comic Book (Excerpt shown below)

Teaching History with Help of Comic Strips

I use MakeBeliefsComix when I want students to manipulate the content and increase their historical comprehension. For instance, I recently assigned an NPR podcast on Progressive reformer Jacob Riis to my Junior US History students at Westford Academy. The students were asked to listen to the podcast and take notes. They were then asked to create a comic strip highlighting his contributions toward Progressive reform at the turn of the century. I also had my Freshmen World History II students make a comic story detailing the plight of peasants in France on the eve of the French Revolution. Both assignments were very successful and allowed students to synthesize the content much more than a traditional homework assignment.

I am a high school history teacher in Massachusetts and have been using MakeBeliefsComix for years. My students really enjoy it because it allows them to express their creativity without being embarrassed if their art skills aren't too strong. They also enjoy expressing their ideas in this medium because it is easy to use and very intuitive. They are up and running in minutes and it is easy to submit their finished product through email. As an educator I am always looking for fun, easy and creative ways for students to manipulate content and make it their own. With MakeBeliefsComix the kids have free access and there are no limitations or restrictions. There is no hidden billing and the kids really enjoy it. I am very happy to have this resource for my students.

--Stephen Scully, Westford Academy, Westford, MA.

CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO VIEW: Teaching History with Help of Comic Strips

Teaching History with Help of Comic Strips #1

Teaching History with Help of Comic Strips #2

Teaching English

The students in my college-level Chinese classes used MakeBeliefsComix to tell stories related to the subject matter of the week. For instance, when we were learning how to tell directions, they made up a story about a woman who asked the policeman how to get to the hospital because she had to take her kids there.
-- M. Rose retired language instructor, Retired Language Instructor, Monterey, CA

I learned about MakeBeliefsComix in my grad school "teaching with tech" class several years ago and have used it since at the university and high school level ESL classes. We often use your site for vocabulary reinforcement. After the students have been exposed to the vocab list a few times, we ask them to use a few vocab words to tell a story.

Sometimes we use the site to demonstrate understanding of concepts. For example, we did a unit on voting rights around the world. The students used their newly-gained knowledge to show what they learned about things such as voting rights, disenfranchisement, voter suppression, democracy, etc.

Many of my students enjoy the break from regular classroom activities. Thanks for providing a product that inspires them!
-- Emily Richards, teacher at Franklin Central High School in Indianapolis, Ind.

Learning About Opportunity Cost

Sixth grade Social Studies students in Ohio have several standards dealing with economics. One of these standards covers the idea of opportunity cost which is understanding what you give up when choosing between two things.

My students had to create a comic strip showing a time in their life when they experienced opportunity cost.  I had about ten different paper comic strip templates on which they could draw their experience.  Many of my students wanted to create an online comic strip and used to do this.  The website was easy for them to use and the comic strips turned out amazing!

They were easy for me to print so students could use them for a "Gallery Walk" and earn team points in our classroom.  Here are a couple examples of what my students were able to do with this website.  Thanks, MakeBeliefsComix! This was an enjoyable class project

-- Tracie L. Clay,  Gahanna Middle School West

This is What Courage Looks Like!

My 5th grade class read an article entitled “This is What Courage Looks Like”.  It is about Claudette Colvin, a young girl who like Rosa Parks, decided one day to stay in her seat on a city bus, when a white woman needed a seat.  Claudette was arrested and tried in a court of law.  She was found guilty and realized she had lost her dream of becoming a lawyer.  Several years later, Rosa Parks did the same thing on a Montgomery city bus.  Claudette became a witness for the trial.

My students have been studying about character struggles, and how events and other characters effect the struggles of the character. Then, they learned how it played out after the turning point (climax).  We did a three-panel comic strip with the first one representing the struggle of the main character, the second panel representing the turning point or climax, and the third panel representing the effects on the main character.

Below you will see a couple of examples of their creations using

I am thrilled that they turned out so well.  I can’t wait to put them up in my classroom for all my students to enjoy!  Thanks again so much!

Sally Kinsey, Colony Meadows Elementary, Fort Bend ISD, Sugar Land, Tx

Helping Discouraged Learners

I just want to thank you for making this available. It has been great for my students with disabilities who have difficulty expressing themselves! Some of my students have never written a story before and they are ‘discouraged learners’. This format gives them a real boost and empowers them to create something. It yields a satisfying outcome that they can feel good about. It is great to see their eyes light up as they engage.
I like to encourage them to see it as an exercise in sequencing events. Because you offer a nice selection of characters and different positions, they can create a simple story that shows beginning, middle, and end. I have been teaching some of them to type and they can put their skills to use.
-- Karin Draper, middle school occupational therapist

Summaries for a Story

After learning all about summaries for a story and the necessary elements, I challenge my students to create a summary for "A Package for Mrs. Jewls" in comic form. The students are working at a higher level than simply identifying important characters and events. They need to use the settings and characters that are in the story and represent them symbolically because the real Louis and Mrs. Jewls and the students are not available as options. There are, however, people and objects that are close enough for them to match. The tools that are provided on allow students who wouldn't be able to pull what they are thinking into written or draw the cartoons themselves to share their ideas. Students then add their cartoon to a Google Slide presentation so that I can print them for the hall.

Thank you for providing these tools. Here are the group instructions for the first summary. Each student has a job to complete while they work as a team. You already created a graphic organizer in your notes for “A Package for Mrs. Jewls.” Use it to create a comic that gives a symbolic summary. Below is a guide for jobs.

Characters Setting Events Symbolism
This job finds characters that symbolize who is in the story. They will also add in thoughts and word bubbles. This job will find backgrounds to represent the setting. They can also add objects that help tell the story. This job will be the first job. They need to plan out what events will be included in the summary and guide the character and setting jobs with what to find for each frame. Each events will go in a frame. You can only have 4-6 frames.

This job can add cartoon words like *poof* that add to the story.

You will need to use symbols in your summary for all the jobs of creating the events, characters, and setting.

I use Pep Talks for morning meetings. While I enjoy the topics, I also find that they are great to leave with a sub. It allows them to have the students share in an organized way about a topic that can bring out some deeper thought. They thank me for leaving the pep talks.

Christine Lopez, 5th Grade Teacher, Mountain View Elementary, Harrisburg, PA.

To Help with Speech Pathology

As a speech-language pathologist who works with students via telepractice, I have found MakeBeliefsComix to be a really useful site. I have used the comic strip creator with students on the autism spectrum many times during online speech therapy sessions. I love using this activity to target theory of mind concepts with students. We can create simple (or elaborate!) stories together, and it provides so many great opportunities to interpret and predict the thoughts and feelings of others. It is a fun and effective way to address appropriate social language skills with students of various age ranges.

You can create a really basic/silly comic strip to use with young students, or create something more realistic for use with middle schoolers. I love doing activities where the student can be an integral part of creating the materials, then using the materials we created to target goals. It provides for a really rich and engaging session...and since I work with students online, having the materials right there on the screen is very convenient!
-- Sara Smith, M.S., CCC-SLP, E-Therapy,,

For Reluctant Readers

I have a neighbor whose grandson, Michael, is a bit uninterested in reading. He balks at any suggestion to read.  He was privately tutored last year with some success. This summer he was taken from one summer camp to the next. He frequently spent time next door with his grandparents. He came over one day bored with the summer heat and his disinterest in anything besides his iPad or tv.  I asked my neighbors if he could learn a new program and help me learn it, too, at the same time (this way he thought all the discoveries were his own!).

Soon we were making his first comic strip (9 sections).  At first he was resistant pretending this was yet another of my brilliant ideas to get him to read.  He suddenly was captivated by the ability to change the backgrounds and move his characters around.  He asked how to spell several words, but remembered the correct spelling as his story progressed.

I want to share his excitement when he realized he had control of the “monster” he created and the ability to make him talk and move around the screen.  He was SO involved with creating it and then kept going!  I tried to change something and he was resistant to any help (good for him!).  The fact that this program is computer based is a “win win.” How much easier to say “let’s  play with this fun program" rather than lets read a book!

As a seasoned teacher my heart swelled with appreciation for this website! He was learning!!!!  We reviewed his work and he grinned with a bit of a twinkle in his eyes! We sent it to his mother at work and made a hard copy for his grandparents.  His mother is now helping him with this site.
 -- Jody Miller Lowry,  RN BSN MA,  Bradenton, Florida

Communication Tool for Social Problems

I introduced MakeBeliefsComix to students, some of whom have autism or intellectual disabilities, as a creative outlet to help them communicate and deal with social problems.  I had the kids make three- or four-panel comic and put in characters and speech bubbles, and they’d type in the words.  That’s when I learned that the kids were being bullied, or they were frustrated they couldn’t do something their peers could do.  There were all kinds of things they had to confront that they couldn’t talk about, but they could write about it using a cartoon.

I also approached the school’s administrators to stop the bullying, and used the comics to teach all students how to navigate socially.  As soon as kids would misbehave, I’d invite them to create a comic and tell me about it.  The cartoons allowed students to feel safe describing their experiences.
-- Sharon Eilts, special education teacher, Sunnyvale, CA. (These comments are from an interview Ms. Eilts had with Brain & Life Magazine.)

Creating Dialogues

I am a teacher from Hong Kong. Thanks very much for sharing such a wonderful and creative idea with the teaching community. I just used it in my English class to help students create dialogues which are needed for their story writing assignment. Even those who are not so motivated in learning English found the work fun, and I can feel their sense of satisfaction (as if they have achieved something)."
-- Vicky Mann

For Stuttering Children

The site is used with school age children who stutter... The children build up a story and then they have to describe it in front of a group. This will help the children to practice fluency techniques, to practice appropriate eye contact, to practice sequencing skills and also to help creativity. It is fun and motivating. It acts as a desensitization exercise for children who fear speaking in a group."
-- Dr. Joseph Agius, Speech Language Pathologist and Fluency Specialist, Speech Language Department, Malta

To Make Writing More Fun

I used … …with a group of students in a writing club and, especially for those who are more visual, it became a great way for the students to have a little fun, think through organizing from one panel to another (sequencing first, next and last).

After they created their comic strip online, they printed them out and we used them as a graphic organizer to write a full blown story. The kids looked at the first frame, wrote an introduction that set the stage for what happened there and they often included dialogue as well as a narrator's voice. Since we know comics are snapshots in time, they then asked themselves '’what's missing between this panel and the next?'’ and filled it in with their words.

It ended up being a great tool and several students wrote more than they ever had before as a result."
-- Cathy P. Miller, Independent Literacy Consultant, TLA, Inc. Huntsville, AL

For Children with Autism

As the mom to a little boy with autism, I just wanted to thank you for your free MakeBeliefs Comix. I don't know whether you know much about autism, but in very general terms, lots of these kids are extremely visual learners and they are a bit blunted in their ability to recognize how others around them are feeling.

I use PowerPoint to make little ‘'social stories'’ for my son … on a regular basis, as I've found that humor and visuals can really reach him. Sometimes my little stories are about not leaving the backyard…other times, they introduce new vocabulary words and are about cowboys whose horses get stolen so they are reduced to riding cows! Whatever is needed, I produce.

At any rate, a friend just recommended your MakeBeliefsComix site and it's like Santa came early! The fact that the characters look charming, one can customize the conversations, AND that there are various emotions shown make this a site I'm going to recommend to all my fellow special needs parent friends.
-- LeAnne Cantrell, Mandeville, Louisiana

Using Cartoons to Make Connections and Enrich Mathematics

Janet St. Clair of Alabama State University presented an academic paper, "Using Cartoons to Make Connections and Enrich Mathematics," at the Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching & Learning Conference.(

Abstract. The article discusses the integration of cartoons into a finite mathematics college course. However, cartoon integration is appropriate for any educational level STEM course. Students and the author used an online comic strip creator,, to create cartoons that connected concepts to the real world and history.... students wrote a paragraph about their cartoon and its mathematics. In addition to connecting mathematics to art and writing and unearthing students’ creative side, cartoons helped show the humanistic side of mathematics and promote communication and excitement about mathematics. The author developed a rubric to evaluate students’ cartoons. There was evidence that students who did cartoons were better able to explain a concept and give examples of its real-world connection than those who did not. The article has potential to encourage others to brainstorm about cartoon integration in their mathematics courses.

Citation: St. Clair, Janet (2018) "Using Cartoons to Make Connections and Enrich Mathematics," Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching and Learning Conference: Vol. 2 , Article 12. DOI: 10.20429/stem.2018.020112 Available at:

Comic Maker App for Enjoyable Learning

F. Rakhmayanti lecturer from Elementary School Teacher Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Cibiru Campus, Bandung, Indonesia ( wrote this paper which appears in Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Abstract. Learning in the current era also demands mastery of technology (technological literacy). Students and teachers need to take advantage of technology with various applications to increase their creativity and quality of learning. Applications that can be used by students and teachers in learning are namely Comic Life and the Make Beliefs Comix application that is free to use and access. This study applied by using the comic maker application. Furthermore, observation was made during the learning activity of students and teachers who used the app. The results are described in qualitative description based on the observation. Comic maker app was able to elaborate and collaborate on some of the student’s abilities and knowledge at the same time. Then, this activity can be presented into a work: visualization of images along with the story. In addition to attracting students and giving them new spirit in learning, the act of making comics helps student become increasingly skilled in operating computer devices. Their language skill about selecting words and making sentences also can be trained. For the teachers, by using this application they can perform with more innovative and contemporary learning, not monotonous.

Read Full Paper

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